Articles By: David Wise

Android M Promises to Fix Key Lollipop Flaws

The Android Lollipop promised a lot and delivered on many of its promises, but it failed hard when it came to one all-important feature – battery power. This remains one of the most wanted and sought after improvement by every user of a smart…

Old Brands Re-Emerging As Android Devices

Old Brands Re-Emerging As Android Devices

Those of you familiar or have seen the Commodore PET and remember it as a chunky computer of the 1970s will relate immediately to the latest Android smart phone. Yes, a new model with the name Commodore is all set to be launched and this one will…

Android M Will Bring With It Visual Voicemail

Android M Will Bring With It Visual Voicemail

Android M is promising to bring in some new stuff that was not possible in earlier versions of the OS. The Lollipop did bring in the Material Design but has not been able to generate a lot of enthusiasm among users to upgrade in a hurry. Currently…