World’s Most Advanced Android Malware Discovered – Here’s Why Your Android Could Be Its Next Victim

World’s Most Advanced Android Malware Discovered – Here’s Why Your Android Could Be Its Next Victim

It’s no secret that Android malware is growing at an incredibly fast pace – and it’s no secret that Android users around the world are starting to care. Today, Android antivirus software is more popular than ever.

Well, if you haven’t already installed Android antivirus software, you may want to soon. Antivirus software industry leader Kaspersky recently discovered a new Android malware that is more advanced than anything previously encountered by the mobile antivirus community.

The Trojan is called Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a and it is apparently similar to Windows-based malware and viruses. After being installed on an Android device, the virus sneakily performs a wide range of tasks and makes itself impossible to remove.

Complicating the problem even further is the fact that Obad.a is encrypted, which means that antivirus software can’t detect it before it attacks your device. The Trojan also gains full administrator access to your Android including full root privileges.

Here are a few of the scary things that the new Backdoor Android virus can do on your handset:

-Act as a proxy, which means it sends all data to a remote internet address. It could send your banking and credit card details to a server in Russia, for example, which would be very bad.

-Send text messages (including sending text messages to premium-rate numbers that charge $5 or more per text)

-Send files to Bluetooth devices

-Get account balance through USSDandroid_trojan_01s

-Connect to any IP address

-Download files

-Install software

-Execute commands using a remote shell

-Send personal information to any server

Since the app has root access, there is a nearly limitless number of things it can do to your device.  And that’s very bad.

Most importantly, the virus spreads via Bluetooth, which is a very scary thing. Just think of how many Bluetooth signals your phone encounters during an average ride on a bus or train or while walking around the mall. Any one of those Bluetooth signals could carry the virus.

How to avoid the Backdoor Trojan

So far, the virus is concentrated to a limited number of handsets around the world, and most of these handsets are in Russia. But it may not be long before the rest of the world comes under attack.

Here’s how to protect yourself:

-Turn off Bluetooth when not in use

-Only download apps from the Google Play Store

-Install a good mobile antivirus program (there are plenty of good free trials offered by leading software makers like Kaspersky and Avast).

Unfortunately, the virus is currently very difficult to remove. So if you’re one of an unfortunate few who have been infected by the virus, you’re going to have to wait until the antivirus software makers update patch their programs. Until then, avoid using your Android to access anything important.

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